Becoming a member

Becoming a member


We hope we make this as simple as possible for you.

Membership runs from January to January.

There is a £2.00 JOINING FEE which is a one off payment and then an ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION:

  • Single – £7.00
  • Family/Joint – £8.50
  • European – £12.00
  • Outside Europe – £15.00


New members may download, complete and return the Membership Application Form to *  You may then pay for your membership online: just select one of the options below and click the Paypal button.


Alternatively, if you prefer, you may print out the Membership Application Form and send it to us by post together with your cheque. If you have any queries whatsoever, please do not hesitate to contact the membership secretary for further assistance.


* All new membership applications are subject to approval by the Committee.


Membership Renewals

Each and every single one of your memberships really does make a difference.

  • Straight forward renewal of your membership